The ISB Technical Group in Motor Control hosted their 13th Virtual Symposium on Motor Control in Biomechanics at CBB, 2021

26 August 2022

We hosted the 13th Symposium on Motor Control in Biomechanics on September 17th, 2021 in conjunction with the XIX Congress of the Brazilian Society of Biomechanics (CBB), the IX Neuromechanics Symposium, and the III Latin-American Meeting of Biomechanics.

The symposium featured internationally distinguished researchers in the field of Motor Control and Biomechanics in two sessions:

  • Dr. Matt Jordan, University of Calgary (Canada). “The Hamstring Conundrum: A Data-Informed Approach to Graft-Specific Rehabilitation after ACL-Reconstruction"
  • Dr. Daniela Vaz, Federal University of Minas Gerais – UFMG (Brazil). “The Biomechanical Body in Context: Challenges for an Ecological Understanding of Functioning”
  • Dr. Lilian Teresa Bucken Gobbi, São Paulo State University (Brazil). “Gait rehabilitation in Parkinsons Disease: A Motor Control Perspective”

High-Performance Sports:

  • D. Jill L McNitt-Gray, University of Southern California (USA). “Control and Dynamics of Human Movement in Context”
  • Dr. Michael Hiley, Loughborough University (UK). “How do Gymnasts modify Technique in a Task with Uncertain Initial Conditions”
  • Dr. Herbert Ugrinowitsch, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil). “Motor Control and Biomechanics: Training to Adaptation in Open Sports Motor Skills”

Check our website for updates on upcoming symposia!

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